Quicktip #7: Use pictures to find new vocabulary!

Are you looking for new simple vocabulary to learn but have a hard time finding ideas? Don’t think too far! Even a simple picture or photograph is a great way to find new vocabulary that is simple (ie: an object, not a concept) and that you might not know. And that goes for any learner of any language, regardless of their level of proficiency. Of course the more advanced you are, the more words you’ll already know, therefore you’ll probably be learning less than a beginner but there might still be things to learn! You’ll be surprised by the number of things you thought you knew the names of at first glance and yet you realize you can’t say them.

So here’s my advice in order to find new vocabulary easily with a picture…

tokyo in the rain at night
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浮世絵 Ukiyo-e


Beautiful, isn’t it ?

This art work by 葛飾北斎 (Katsushika Hokusai), called 神奈川沖浪裏 (Kanagawa-oki nami ura; Eng: The Great Wave off Kanagawa), is one of, if not the most famous paintings of Ukiyo-e style.

But what exactly is Ukiyo-e? Where did it come from?
And what makes those paintings so special ?

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Stop translating in your head!

That’s something that’s really hard to do. And yet, it’s one of the key aspects of learning a language. After all, you don’t translate anything when you’re listening to your native language, do you?

There’s no magic method to do that sadly. At least not that I know of.

But I do have some tips that might help you towards gradually stopping to translate when having conversations.

translating logo

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Furoshiki 風呂敷 : Japanese Wrapping Art

Furoshiki (風呂敷), is a traditional cloth wrapping technique, used to transport clothes, gifts or bento; plenty of stuff really. Furoshiki come in various forms and designs and there are many ways of folding the cloth depending on the object that is wrapped.

Today, Furoshiki are mainly used to bring gifts, although they started as bath mats during the Edo Era. Pretty big change, right?

Let’s find out more!


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Quicktip #6: Reading Blogs In Japanese, A Great Way To Up Your Reading

I’ve found that reading blogs in Japanese is actually very efficient and beneficial compared to some other types of reading documents.

Blogs are mostly written in “simple” everyday language and are therefore quite easy to understand, so you can start reading blogs real soon during your learning experience. Of course you need significant knowledge of the language before being able to read anything, but compared to something like wikipedia in Japanese for instance, it’s much more easy.

And although blogs are rather easy to understand, they are extremely beneficial as you can learn plenty of vocabulary depending on the topic of the post you’re reading.

And most of all, given that you don’t spend too much time trying to understand the language in itself, you can really enjoy the topic of the post.

I personally really enjoy reading blogs in Japanese because the reading just flows and I learn plenty of vocabulary in addition to learning a lot about the topic of the post.

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